Who Read
Electronics For You?
What Is
T & M Connect
- We publish a monthly series on Test & Measurement Equipment that updates our readers about what’s new in the particular product category in last 1 year.
- We publish 4 to 5 Buying Guides on T&M products—every year.
- We publish interviews of tech experts who discuss latest tech trends or best practices related to Test & Measurement Equipment.
- We publish many high-quality Tech Articles and Application Notes that help engineers in improving their use of T&M equipment.
- All segments of T&M users and T&M-related decision makers are readers of EFY, be it: design engineers, test & maintenance engineers, R&D personnel, hobbyists/DIYers, academicians, CXOs, et al.
Why Do
Design Engineers Read
Electronics For You?- We publish articles on latest technologies and innovative applications related to electronics, every month.
- We publish a monthly series on 'Electronics Design' (embedded systems) to highlight latest technologies and best practices.
- We publish interviews of tech experts who discuss latest tech trends or best practices that affect circuit design.
- We publish many high-quality Application Notes and Do It Yourself projects that help engineers in improving their existing designs or creating new ones.
- We provide latest EDA software tools in the DVD accompanying EFY Plus.
- We feature a leading innovator from India every month to inspire other engineers to innovate too.
What Can You
Achieve By Advertising
In Electronics For You- Establish a direct connect with technical personnel who are either decision makers or influencers for T&M equipment your presence/brand in the Indian market.
- Generate orders for samples, evaluation kits or development boards from design engineers.
- Increase the brand value, wherein customers would be ready to pay a premium for your products.
- Establish or expand your network of channel partners and ISVs.
What’s The
Proof That Advertising
In Electronics For You Works?How Can Ads in EFY Help To
Increase Your Sales Globally?
- India has a growing number of Independent Design Houses (IDHs).
- Most IDHs work for international clients.
- Most of these international clients have their manufacturing hubs.
- If selected, the design of an Indian IDH is typically used in these manufacturing hubs.
- Components selected by Indian Design Engineers for their designs get purchased in bulk at the manufacturing hubs!.