The Extras - Electronics for You

Do Extra. Deliver Results.

Here's a list of the "Extras" that we deliver to our advertisers, to ensure results...

1. The Advertisers’ Index: Less than 30% publications publish this Index-but, we do. It’s a FREE service. This index lists all our advertisers (except classifieds) along with their page numbers, and provide a good reference point for readers.

2. Suppliers’ Index: Almost no magazine does this, barring us. This is an even more powerful index than Ad index. Here we list our advertisers based on their product categories—thus making it more easier for our readers to locate the suppliers they need.

3. Ads in e-zine: We have 5,000 plus paid readers of ezine edition of Electronics For You. Plus, there are thousands of readers who access our ezines through Torrents. Barring a few exceptions, all ads in print are published on the e-zine edition too!

4. Premium Listing on eleB2B: While we list over 10,000 suppliers on, the listing of all our advertisers are automatically listed as premium suppliers and hence come on top!

5. Monthly Emailers: This is a special initiative to ensure that our clients' communication reach the Inbox of top decision makers of the industry. Herein, we create different emails with ads and logos of our advertisers as images and send to a very specific database. Each email is essentially a collection of latest promotions by suppliers.

This initiative is restricted to our clients who supply: (1) Test & measurement equipment, (2) Components OR (3) Electronics Manufacturing Equipment.